Devour Food Film Fest, Nov. 2-6

The sixth edition of Devour! The Food Film Festival will be held from November 2-6, 2016.

November celebrate cinema, food and wine in what The Hollywood Reporter calls Canada’s Secret Foodie Destination. Just one hour from Halifax, Wolfville, Nova Scotia is the “New Napa of the North” (Gusto TV), which makes it the perfect backdrop for this collision of food and film.

Join us at the world's largest gastronomic film festival for five jam-packed days of film, food and wine. We will be serving up the latest from the world of culinary cinema, paired with wine tours, tastings, pop-ups, and industry sessions. Not to mention the fabulous gala dinners featuring renowned chefs celebrating the very best of local and international food and wine. 

Look out for upcoming events throughout the year via our website. Our full program will be launched with tickets on sale in September including daily bus shuttle service from Halifax.

DevourFest. Eat it up!

November 2-6, 2016

Wolfville, Nova Scotia

See the program for a schedule of events

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An internationally recognized food, wine and film festival that takes place annually in November in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Living Food Restaurant Reviews


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