
Does John's Lunch have the Best Fish and Chips in Canada?

Tue, Mar 5: A Dartmouth fish and chips shop has been voted the best in Canada. What makes it stand out? Global's Ross Lord explains.

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Global National seems to think so.
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Richard Lorway Follow Me
Fantastic clams too!
Mae Fredericks Follow Me
I agree they are the best at least their scallops and chips and clams and chips. These items are as fresh and you can watch hey them cook them .They are the best in service, time it takes to serve, and friendliness. I think they are the best in Canada for scallops and the amount you get for your money. I always get over 20 fresh scallops and I can't even bye that many in other restaurants and I travel a lot and eat out a lot. I would have to bye three full dinner to come near that many scallops. Love that place.

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