Frankie MacDonald Predicts NZ Earthquake a Month in Advance Video

    Frankie MacDonald

Published on Oct 21, 2016

On November 14th, 2016, a 7.8 magnitude quake hit New Zealand, causing 2 deaths and tsunami warnings across the island nation.

Here is our own Nova Scotia amateur weatherman, Frankie MacDonald, predicting the quake in October, a month before it struck.

From his YouTube Channel:

"Massive Earthquake could be on its way for New Zealand Anytime Soon and it will be 7.0 or Greater Magnitude Earthquake and it will Do lots of Damage and the New Zealand Lies on the Fault Line that Divides from Pacific Plate and Australian Plate and the Earthquake will also hit Christchurch, Auckland, Wellington and Gisbourne New Zealand and once the 2 Plates Rub at Each Other that will Cause a Earthquake in New Zealand and the Ground will Shake but We Can't Predict Earthquakes in New Zealand and the Earthquakes is Too Unpredictable and You have to Start Doing a Earthquake Drills in New Zealand. People in New Zealand Be Prepared Have your Medical Kits, Flashlights, Candles, Crank Up Radio, Generators, Extra Batteries, Battery Operated Lanterns and Bottled Water Ready and the Earthquake will do lots of Damage and when you are Indoors during the Earthquake Go Underneath the Tables and Chairs and when you are Outdoors Don't Go Inside the Buildings during the Earthquakes in New Zealand and Start Doing a Earthquake Drills for People in New Zealand and it will Trigger a Tidal Wave and the Earthquake will Trigger Tidal Wave and the Earthquake will also hit Hamilton New Zealand and Christchurch New Zealand had a 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake in the Year 2011. If you Have anybody Living in New Zealand Be Prepared for the Massive Earthquake in the Future Take Care and Stay Safe and Don't Get Caught in the Earthquake Stay Safe."

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A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck New Zealand in November. Here is our local amateur weatherman, Frankie MacDonald, predicting the quake in October.
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