Halifax Mayor Mike Savage


I would like to welcome you to my personal web page on Halifax.ca. In the coming year I will be adding some exciting new features to help connect with the citizens of Halifax. If you are interested in hearing what I'm up to, feel free to join me on twitter @MikeSavageHFX or @hfxgov for updates and information on things that are going on in Halifax. I look forward to the exciting opportunities that lie ahead. Thanks for visiting.

Mayor Mike Savage

Mike Savage, Mayor

Mike Savage Bio

Skilled team builder, experienced business person and public servant, community volunteer and strong advocate for Halifax, Mike Savage was elected Mayor of Halifax on October 20, 2012.

As a member of parliament for Dartmouth-Cole Harbour from 2004 until 2011, Mayor Savage was active in serving his constituents and playing a national role as Official Opposition Critic for Human Resources and Skills and Status of Persons with Disabilities, and as Chair of the Liberal Caucus Committee on Post-Secondary Education and Research.

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