Halifax Parking Space Rentals - PARK180.com

Halifax Parking Space Finder (PARK180) helps people in Halifax find available / unused parking spaces and match them with drivers looking for a place to park their cars.

List Your Parking Spaces To Make Money

If you have unused parking spaces in Halifax or Dartmouth, you can list them on the PARK180 Halifax Parking Space Finder website to make extra money each month. People will rent your unused parking spaces and you get paid each week. It's the easiest money you'll ever make.

After all if you are not using your parking space at your apartment building or in front of your house, why not put some cash in your pocket by renting these unused spaces out? It is totally free to list unused parking spaces on the Halifax Parking Space Finder website as you want!


Looking For Affordable Parking in Halifax?

If you are a driver in Halifax then you will know how hard it is to find a parking space in the city. No matter what street you are trying to find parking on it is absolutely impossible to find unused parking space. Well there is a solution!

Park180.com has teamed up with the public and allowed them to list available parking spaces on our website. That way you get a cheap parking space for the day or week in someones driveway, parking lot, or apartment building parking spaces.

Sign up on Halifax Parking Space Services to list unused parking spaces as you can totally FREE of charge.

Halifax Parking Space Rentals (Park180) will show you a list of available parking spaces right on our website search engines. Parking spaces are now available on almost every street in Halifax and Dartmouth. Just click on "Find A Space to park" your car and you will see what parking is available in that area that you searched for.

How Much Money Can I Make By Listing Parking Spaces?

When you list your parking spaces for rent on Park180 Parking Space website, you can make at least $20 per day and even up to $100 per week or more. It all depends if someone searches for parking in your area and if you have your parking space listed that day.

By listing lots of parking spaces all over Halifax, you can make pretty much a full time income, especially if you are a landlord or building owner. Look in any parking lot in Halifax. There are always a few spots open, but they are usually marked as "private'. So these private parking spaces that are unused daily are going to waste. If you are a landlord, whey not tent them out to the public and drive your monthly income up by as much as 25% or more.

Halifax Parking Space Finder Services (PARK180) where people list unused parking spaces in Halifax and match them with drivers looking for a place to park their cars.

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List Unused Parking Spaces in Halifax to Make extra money each month or search the Park180.com website to find parking spaces in Halifax!
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