
Halifax Snow Removal receives Rave Reviews

Halifax snow clearing receives rave reviews following Saturday night storm

Councillors Outhit and Craig reporting little to no negative feedback, compared to hundreds of complaints after last storm.

Crews clean up a sidewalk corner at Robie and Inglis Streets on Sunday afternoon after a dumping of snow on Saturday.


Crews clean up a sidewalk corner at Robie and Inglis Streets on Sunday afternoon after a dumping of snow on Saturday.

Snow clearing in the municipality is receiving uncharacteristically favourable reviews after a winter storm hit Halifax Saturday night.

“People are very pleased this time,” Coun. Tim Outhit said Sunday afternoon.

He’d received just two complaints about snow clearing after the storm -- compared to the more than 100 he’d received last Wednesday.

“The rest have actually been compliments, saying please pass along to the contractor and the city that it was very well done, in fact some of the best they’ve seen in a while,” he said.

Coun. Steve Craig also noted a “marked improvement” in the snow clearing on Sunday.

“I’m very pleased with the efforts this time,” he said on Sunday. “There’s still going to be a few people that will not be satisfied, that’s the way it is, unfortunately with everything.”

Outhit agrees, saying that whole social media “is a very good thing” for disseminating information and providing feedback, “it also sometimes gives a tool to folks who just aren’t reasonable, and who are unhappy and lashing out.”

But after this storm, complaints on Twitter were few and far between, with most people praising the city for its efforts.

- Read More at MetroNews.ca -

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Little to no negative feedback, compared to hundreds of complaints after last storm.
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