
On-Strike Journalists create Halifax Online News Site

The Halifax Typographical Union, in response to a changing direction of Chronicle Herald management, has been on strike since January 23rd.

The Chronicle Herald is Canada's oldest independently owned newspaper, but even this renowned institution is not immune to the modern realities of print media. The management recently proposed a 17 per cent pay cut, and to lay off a third of newsroom staff, including editors, web editors, and all photographers.

In response to the demands and breakdown in negotiations, the union's 61 members, including reporters, editors, photographers, columnists, and support staff went on strike and launched their own online news platform, Local Xpress.

From their website: 

Local Xpress will be covering Halifax news from politics to sports. You can comment on individual stories, or get in touch directly at [email protected]

The first edition of the Xpress is dedicated to their families. "It's hard enough living with a journalist, let alone one who's on strike. We love you more than you will ever know."

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Chronicle Herald striking staffers still telling stories on an online-only news site.
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