Province Calls for Ideas for the Dennis Building

The province is looking for innovative and creative ideas to develop a prime piece of downtown Halifax real estate while preserving its historic façade.

Government has issued a request for information to gather ideas for the development of the Dennis Building site on Granville Street which includes the Hansard Building and the adjacent parking lot.

The Dennis Building is beyond repair and the Hansard Building requires significant repairs. The request for information gives the private sector the opportunity to take the lead and redevelop this prime real estate in the heart of downtown Halifax.

The Dennis Building is currently vacant and the Credit Union is the only tenant in the Hansard Building.

The request asks respondents to prepare a vision for the site which includes retaining and incorporating the façade of the Dennis and Hansard buildings into any new development of the site.

Deadline for submissions is July 28. Details of the Request for Information are available at

Here's the story from The National Trust:


Once called “the finest office building in eastern Canada,” Internal Services Minister now says the building is "way far beyond repair." In June, 2014, the National Trust wrote a letter to Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil asking for his intervention to ensure a reasonable process of due diligence when considering the future of this important historic site. 

The National Trust has been helping to keep the story in the news!

Why it matters

A landmark on the corner of Granville and Georges Streets in downtown Halifax, the Dennis Building was constructed in 1863 to house the dry goods firm T. & E. Kenny, owned by brothers Thomas and Edward, both highly influential in provincial and national affairs. Of stone construction with horizontal string courses and prominent bracketed cornices, it was specifically designed to complement the architectural context of Province House Square. William Dennis, owner of the Halifax Herald, purchased the building in 1900 when T. & E. Kenny relocated. Ravaged by fire 1912, it was almost completely lost. Prominent architect Henry David Jost was hired to renew the interior and add three stories. He also had the original granite façade reinforced. The Herald later moved, and it was taken over by the Government of Nova Scotia for office space.

There are confirmed tunnels no longer in use that run under some of the buildings in the area, and one of the known entrances lies in the basement of the Dennis Building.

Why it’s endangered

In May 2013, the provincial government evacuated 50 employees for safety concerns after a mold problem was discovered in one of the upper floors. Water leaks and air quality issues are an ongoing concern. Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal Minister Maurice Smith said it is not clear whether employees will be returned to the building, as crews are still evaluating the problem.

Other historic buildings in the vicinity of Province House Square that also followed its classical-inspired design have been demolished. An unrealized 2006 redevelopment plan included several scenarios for the Dennis building: partial to full demolition that could incorporate the façade into a new building.

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The province is looking for innovative and creative ideas to develop a prime piece of downtown Halifax real estate while preserving its historic façade.
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