A Halifax woman has spent years fighting for out-of-province care. Now she's ready to end her life

Jennifer Brady recently applied for MAID, prompting the clinical lead to advocate on her behalf

CBC NewsAngela MacIvor

As Jennifer Brady climbs into inflatable pants that cover from her toes to her chest, she positions her water bottle on the table beside her and starts pushing buttons on a machine.

The device, called a Lympha Press, is designed to move the fluid in her legs. She spends at least five hours a day tied to the machine, unable to do anything else — including caring for her two children, ages nine and 13. She also wears compression garments 24 hours a day.

This, combined with the fact she has been fig…


Read the full story on the CBC website

A Halifax woman has spent years fighting for out-of-province care. Now she's ready to end her life

SOURCE www.cbc.ca

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CBC NewsAngela MacIvor, Posted: Sep 18, 2024 4:00 AM EDT | Last Updated: 29 minutes ago
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