
Travel & Burning Restrictions Lifted

Restrictions on travel and activities within the woods announced last week have been lifted for mainland Nova Scotia. Travel restrictions for Cape Breton were lifted on Aug. 15.

"After plenty of hard work by firefighters and the good fortune of rainfall, we are now able to safely open the woods to travel," said Natural Resources Minister Lloyd Hines. "I want to thank Nova Scotians again for their co-operation and understanding while these restrictions were in place.

"I realize it has been a challenging week and we are very appreciative of the patience and concern people have demonstrated across the province."

Due to the amount of rainfall, burning restrictions have also been lifted across the province. It is now safe to have a campfire or burn brush. However, all fires must be completely extinguished by 8 a.m. People are able to enjoy the woods and trails, but are encouraged to take necessary precautions, and to check the burning restrictions map at http://www.novascotia.ca/burnsafe

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"After plenty of hard work by firefighters and the good fortune of rainfall, we are now able to safely open the woods to travel,"
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