Halifax Tool Library is a non-profit group that allows residents to access tools of all types for a small yearly fee.
By: Nicole Gnazdowsky for Metro Published on Thu Apr 14 2016
More tools will soon be available for the municipality's DIY lovers, as the Halifax Tool Library moves to a larger location Saturday.
Most people don’t want to buy a tool that they’re only going to use a handful of times, so the Halifax Tool Library creates a space where people can pay a small yearly fee to have access to a wide array of tools for any project.
The organization just recently reached it 300th member since opening in October 2014 and is constantly growing.
“We have 900 tools, all donated by the community and we haven’t had nearly close to enough space to house the tools,” Halifax Tool Library co-director Tristan Cleveland said Thursday.
More tools will soon be available for the municipality's DIY lovers, as the Halifax Tool Library moves to a larger location Saturday.
Most people don’t want to buy a tool that they’re only going to use a handful of times, so the Halifax Tool Library creates a space where people can pay a small yearly fee to have access to a wide array of tools for any project.
The organization just recently reached it 300th member since opening in October 2014 and is constantly growing.
“We have 900 tools, all donated by the community and we haven’t had nearly close to enough space to house the tools,” Halifax Tool Library co-director Tristan Cleveland said Thursday.
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