Nova Scotia Man creates Pet-Carrying Hoodie Do you want to carry your chihuahua around in the pocket of your sweatshirt? 298 SUMMARY
Metro Becomes Most-Read Newspaper in Halifax For the first time ever, Metro's readership numbers have moved ahead of the Chronicle-Herald's. 248 SUMMARY
Annapolis Valley Employment Outpaces Halifax in 2016 Data from Statistics Canada shows that the Valley added 2,000 jobs since January. 121 SUMMARY
Private Sector to Lead New Nova Scotia Venture Capital Fund The Province is taking steps towards creating a new, private sector-led venture capital fund to help Nova Scotia businesses grow the economy. 363 SUMMARY
Giant Picture Album of Halifax Convention Centre Construction 150 Pictures from the Construction Tour. 365 SUMMARY
Rural Fire Departments cash in with Seaside Grants Volunteer fire departments in rural Nova Scotia get corporate donations through Seaside Communications' sponsorship program. 432 SUMMARY
Halifax Tool Library Expanding to Larger Space Halifax Tool Library is a non-profit group that allows residents to access tools of all types for a small yearly fee. 136 SUMMARY
New table-top card games on deck at Sydney-based MediaSpark Sydney-based Media-Spark has launched a crowdfunding campaign for two table-top card games under its GoVenture brand. 77 SUMMARY
New Waterford Company Wins NS Provincial Contract Health Outcomes Worldwide will manage phase one of a Provincial Wound Care Program Redesign. 102 SUMMARY